Business Ethics: Saving Grace or Oxymoron?

A June Webinar on business ethics event co-sponsored by the Free Speech Project and the Future of the Humanities Project at Georgetown University provides very clear messaging including that around corruption.

“As the Western world haltingly emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, many count on the international business community, practicing enlightened and ethical capitalism, to lead the way to global economic recovery. But is this realistic? Or are democratic governments and the corporate establishment often complicit in setting aside human rights and press freedom in favor of short-term greed?”

Among the speakers is Frank Vogl a former journalist and former senior World Bank official. Frank is co-founder and board chair of the Partnership for Transparency.  He was also a co-founder of Transparency International.

The Global Business Ethics Survey is discussed. Their research shows that the quality of an organization's ethics and compliance program and the strength of the organization's ethics culture are key to achieving desired ethics outcomes.

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