Doc Edge Film Festival 2021

The 16th Doc Edge Film Festival opens 3 June in Auckland (SkyCity Theatre and The Civic), Wellington (The Roxy) and Online Nationwide. “Life Unscripted” for 2021 offers 83 films. 38 days. 4 venues. 3 June – 11 July 2021.

Presentations with anti-corruption themes

Every year Transparency International New Zealand highlights films that are relevant to our mission. Anna Muir, one of our Members with Delegated Authority has had a look at the lineup for the festival and picked two that are relevant to our work. The two films champion the Kiwi spirit, and explore the themes of corruption and civics education in the South Pacific.

High Tide Don’t Hide:

High Tide Don't Hide  features five teenagers who are living in the North Island and facing the devastation of climate change on Pacific nations.  

Inspired by Greta Thunberg, they discover that activism, authority and awareness make for a steep learning curve. 

How can they work together? What, together, can they achieve? More importantly, who can tell the story and advocate changes?

“Everyone, everywhere has to see High Tide Don’t Hide. It is the best, most important film I have seen in years, gives me hope for the future, kia kaha rangatahi mā, you can make a difference!!”  Dr. Ella Henry, AUT

WORLD PREMIERE - The Civic, Auckland - Friday, 11 June - 6pm

The Roxy, Wellington - Friday 25 June - 6pm

Online from 28 June - 11 July

The Garden of Evil

The Garden of Evil  by Director Larry Keating delves into the mysterious stories of New Zealand yachting hero and environmentalist, Sir Peter Blake and eco-warrior, Captain Pete Bethune. Both men were brutally attacked in the Brazilian Amazon. Blake was murdered; Bethune narrowly escaped with his life. 

While they were on separate expeditions, 16 years apart, the film sets out to prove the attacks were closely related. Bethune, together with three investigative journalists, unravels the connections between corruption, organised crime, and violence in one of the most dangerous ports on the Amazon.

WORLD PREMIERE - The Civic, Auckland - Saturday,12 June - 6.45pm

The Roxy, Wellington - Saturday 26 June - 6.15pm

About Doc Edge

Doc Edge (The Documentary New Zealand Trust) is a not-for-profit films/arts organisation founded in 2004 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Doc Edge is the home for storytelling that changes your world. Their kaupapa is to celebrate, support and showcase documentary.

The Doc Edge Festival is an Academy Awards® qualifying international documentary film festival held annually in Auckland and Wellington. It showcases the best films from New Zealand and around the world.

Further details are set out on the Doc Edge website.

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