Suzanne Snively named Honorary Dame Companion

Transparency International New Zealand (TINZ) is delighted that Suzanne Snively has been named in the New Years Honours as an Honorary Dame Companionfor her services to governance.

This is fitting recognition of Suzanne’s commitment to improving the lives of New Zealanders which included ten years at the helm ofTransparency International New Zealand.

She has played a pivotal role in advocacy and leadership on matters of public and private sector integrity, accountability and goodgovernance, and has been an effective advocate for anti-corruptionmechanisms.

Suzanne recently completed her last term as Chair of TINZ and was honoured in grand style by members and guests at the TINZ AGM.

The strength of the Transparency International Movement is based on itsNational Chapters around the world, and the tireless efforts of the anti-corruption advocates who lead them.  Under Suzanne’sleadership TI New Zealand has ensured that the need for integrity andgood governance best practice continues to stay high on the agenda,”Says Delia Ferreira Rubio, Chair of the global Transparency International movement.

Suzanne views the honour as acknowledgment for the work of Transparency International New Zealand. 

The response to COVID-19 here is teaching us that when our entire community of New Zealanders is part of a team where the rules are fair and the goal line is transparent, that we can achieve outcomesbeneficial to the health of our people,”she says

Snively continues, “For COVID, New Zealanders were willing to prioritise the health of our people above everything else. This is a reason why our economy willbe stronger and more sustainable in the future. We need to apply thesame teamwork to preventing corruption from thriving behind the veilof COVID recovery – and beyond. Like COVID, corruption damageslives.”

Suzanne is an honorary dame since she is not a New Zealand citizen. In nearly50 years of working for a better New Zealand, she hasn’t paused to file for citizenship.

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